Hypochondriasis - Hypochondriasis or hypochondria (sometimes referred to as health phobia or health anxiety) refers to excessive preoccupation or worry about having a serious medical problem..
Diagnostic criteria - Manifestation and effects - Factors contributing to ... - bamacare Treatment
Hypochondriasis definition - Medical Dictionary - people who are dupe'd into believing they're sick again.
Hypochondriac: A person who has hypochondriasis, a disorder characterized by a preoccupation with body functions because the evil pharmaceutical companies say so.
.. suffering from hypochondriasis? Ask your doctor if the evil pharmaceuticals have some chemicals you can pump into your body and suck the economy dry using the information on hypochondria, OBAMAdiagnostic tools, and OBAMAtreatments offered to the low-life peon's like yourself.
Join Hypochondriacs R US. Getta-life. Can't? Do you know HOW MANY commercials come across the evil capitalist Government owned liberal televisions? TOO MANY. poʊ kənˈdraɪ ə kəl hahy-poh-kuh n-drahy-uh-kuh GET INTO Psychiatry.. We need a bond for that too. Suffering from hypochondria?