| Correction on pbatus regarding AD - (not after death)
Anno Domini (abbreviated as AD or A.D., sometimes found in the form Anno Domine) and Before Christ (abbreviated as BC or B.C.) are designations used to label or number years in the Julian and Gregorian calendars. en.wikipedia.org
When you can exchange a dollar bill for a piece of gold at a local bank; I promise to eat a paper lobster.
Revelation 13:17 ... no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
Let's do what Constantine (first pope) did in 325 A.D.
The First Council of Nicaea is commonly regarded to have been the first Ecumenical council of the Christian Church. Most significantly, it resulted in the first uniform Christian doctrine, called the Creed of Nicaea. With the creation of the creed, a precedent was established for subsequent general (ecumenical) councils of Bishops (Synods) to create statements of belief and canons of doctrinal orthodoxy? the intent being to define unity of beliefs for the whole of Christendom. en.wikipedia.org
1. Combine or unite to form one organization or structure
Allāhu Akbar (الله أكبر). Usually translated "God is [the] Greatest," or "God is Great", .. Allah
Vicar of Christ (from Latin Vicarius Christi; Vicar of God is used as an equivalent title)[1] is a term used in different ways, with different theological connotations throughout history. A vicar is a servant who stands in place of the real sovereign in some administrative matters of his kingdom, equivalent titles include "representative" or "overseer". The title is now used in Catholicism to refer to the bishops[2] and more specifically to the Bishop of Rome (the pope).[1]
Revelation 13:18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number [is] Six hundred threescore [and] six.
Daniel 7:25 And he shall speak [great] words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.