Since 1997, the Center for Education Reform has regularly surveyed charter schools operating in the United States. This year's survey tracks the size, scope, demographics, and operations of 990 charter schools (out of 3,300) operating in Spring 2005. Findings include a 60 percent median minority population and a median 63 percent qualifying for free/reduced lunch. On average, charter schools enroll 297 students, about half the number enrolled in district schools. Over half (56%) report significant waiting lists for students who want to attend. Charter schools are serving considerably more at-risk children and doing so with $2,000 less per pupil than traditional district schools. Date: 2006
Source: Annual Survey of America's Charter School
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Here is what Dems, Unions and WI teachers are in a near riot over
Hope the picture attaches.
Combined package for Wisconsin teachers: $89,500.
$51,000 in salary. The rest in benefits.
90% of cops in America don't make that. They aren't rioting in the streets. Neither are the majority of American's, a country in which the average income is about $40,000 a year. In this economy, a group of people whose average salary is 25% higher than the national average are protesting for having to pay for their own benefits. Mind boggling.
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| Our true enemy seeks to destroy us; like a roaring lion.. and he is not human; but spirit. May that spirit burn in hell.
Source: pbatusa
(Note: a few comments on this Youtube video)
All non-union Americans please support a tax increase, so these folks can have a better standard of living and better pension plans, caution you may have to work two jobs 16 hours a day, but thats ok with them, it's their right to live better and work less.
AltmediaZealot 18 minutes ago
This is like a National Geographic Show capturing Union workers in their Natural State. This is great educational material for children suffering from the grip of these very Liberal Union teachers who are brainwashing our children into victim hood and class warfare.
xxxxxxxpimptaddyone 1 hour ago