This page was swiped from the wordpress forum on allopinionsmatter... We're using smf for most forum activity now ...
"Allow me to issue and control a nation's currency, and I care not who makes its laws."
- Mayer Amschel Bauer Rothschild, 1791
If you're like me, you will scroll down quickly and try to speed-read this page - looking for something that catches your eye while trying to avoid sales offers, banners, and other distractions..
WELL DON'T DO IT... Please. Did you see the quote above the words in red? These videos when selected in order Tell-a-Story and combined they present a message that is rarely captured. So, please.. just relax and take your time on this page..
Okay, I'll net it out for you - the bottom line: It's about the illuminati but it's not about the illuminati.. it goes beyond the illuminati and who pulls their strings, and why, whether they realize it or not ...
It's really... about (you).
When I made this page I couldn't decide which category to place it in as a post... Spiritual Thoughts? or Politics ..... Well, I'll tell you a story another day about a dream I had, however for now, let it be known - those two Topic Categories? are inseparable.. so this is neither.
Everyone seems to have a piece of truth. Let's make a pie.
His name was John Todd, a former member of the illuminati. He warned us against their plans for world domination before he was framed and effectively discredit by the illuminati.
THE NEW WORLD ORDER IS HERE - If you have 5 minutes to spare then this is well worth watching. Discover the illuminati symbolism that is in front of our noses every day.
Uploaded by notilluminati on Jul 23, 2009
If what I am saying in the video seems possible, I only ask that you use the internet and Youtube to search on the things I have mentioned and get familiar with all the information that for now is easily and freely available. If after having done that, you become convinced of the information, please, please, please, pass on the information to as many people as possible.
Secret Societies, and private organizations with similar agendas of conquering the world; collaboration optional, have one identical characteristic: They please the prince of this world.
The preceding information above on the illuminati is only part of the threat to our world. Their plans, however successful they may be in America, will not stand the seasons and times of God. When they die, they will not take their riches with them. But if you believe in God, your riches may far exceed mankind's imagination.. for the meek shall inherit the earth. Holy Bible, Matthew 5:5
A Video exposing Antichrist just as Scriptures declared would happen in these last days.
2 Thessalonians 2:3, "Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;"
He has been revealed and we have
God's Word on it!
See how Satan has used the same method of attack for eons! He is about to use it again so as to convince all the mark of the beast is an acceptable mark to take.
Revelation 13:16, "And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:"
..More videos available Here
Comment by PbAtus: On The Mark of the Beast:
(a principle that once revealed and enforced, ends the world as we know it)
If a government forces you to have a "chip" in your hand or forehead.. this does not mean you have "the mark" because the mark of the beast is not a chip... The "chip" is only one mechanism to force you to do things. The devil wants your worship; by hook-or-crook". If he threatens to kill you if you don't bow down, you can choose to say "okay", he just got you by "hook". If he deceives you into bowing down and you worship him, he just got you by "crook". He's got your mind. He has tricked you. When the real test comes, you will be confused because of this trick. Sunday is "not" God's Sabbath, made for man, from which the seal of God arises; ✓ the fourth commandment Sabbath. The "mark of the beast" on you is the opposite of the seal of God; your allegiance to a "false day of worship"; Sunday. If you know the truth, what will you do? That's what all of the beings in our universe are waiting to see. Sunday is only "the" mark (a principle that once revealed and enforced, ends the world as we know it) ... once the world government puts it to LAW. Currently, it is not law, therefore it is not yet "the" mark of the beast, and it is not a sin to worship on Sunday. But that day will come. Perhaps in our generation. What will you do?
The "war for your soul and worship" has been going on for all of our generations on earth since there was man... There is an end to this war. And you just read about what brings it on.
Author's Note: Watch Video: Don't bow down to any man. If you have viewed all of the above videos, you will notice that it began with thoughts, words, and actions for monetary control with the ultimate goal of controlling the world through finance. But the real story is with the antichrist who wants to maintain both religious and civil power - this is the joining of church and state, the exact opposite of what America was founded upon. And America is a jewel that he wants. For many centuries, Satan has used evil people to destroy Christians and Christianity. So America must be defeated, especially those who believe in Christ and resist the devil. This real battle for the soul in our generation, is not an issue of Muslem, Islam, Gershner, Gieghtner, Baal, Hindu, socialism, economics, environmental health, global warming, or even world war three... it is a battle to merge church and state - end of story, period, that's it that's all. All of the "players" on the stage? ..some of them don't even know this or care... They have their own agenda.... yet they are instruments of demons.
William Shakespeare - Nailed it without knowing it when he said, All the world's a stage,
"And all the men and women merely players:
They have their exits and their entrances;
And one man in his time plays many parts, ..."
..little do many people know, (including Shakespeare; I believe) the stage in real-life is a battlefield; that of a spiritual war that we battle in; the demons use wickedness in people, and the Creator of our earth uses those who follow His guidance.
Signs of the demon's wickedness in High places can be found in the works of the illuminati, Skull & Bones, Bohemian Club, the Freemasons, the Builderberg Group, the Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign relations... the Jesuit order, and other secret societies; as all seem in harmony at establishing a New World Order that they (think) they control - even if it takes many generations.... In reality, all those with great power in our world who abuse it and seek a New World Order for their own power and pleasure are fools. For they are the real puppets on the battlefield where the actual treasure is not power, or pleasure at all; it is for worship from you and ownership of your soul. This is what Satan wants.
To the men and women in this world seeking a New World Order: You need to stop. I cannot for the life-of-me figure out why people want so much power? other than to say, "they are lost".
But are they? They are human. They all have beating hearts. They were all created in the image of God. And Jesus Christ died for them too. I pray for all of them, that they may see the futility and evil of their ways, that they too may inherit the earth and know the True Creator, their God, the Word, in whom all things were made.
King James Bible John 1:1-3
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.
Signed, Sincerely, and with love and compassion for all humanity,
P.S. Your soul? It's not for sale. It's already been bought and paid for on the cross, over 2000 years ago. We all just need to claim this promise for ourselves.
World English Bible John 3:16
For God so loved the world, that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have eternal life.
I want my God to come back now. Don't you?
We have the opportunity to effect prophecy and shape conditions to our advantage. We can be warriors for God. We own this earth, it was created for us, the human race. It does not belong to the devil, Satan. This is my world. This is your world. Let's take it back. And let's bring every human being, every soul with us; need I remind you, .. we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places...
Ephesians 6:12
.. our battle is not against our brothers and sisters ..
What's said about him?
I pray for this man. His ancestor is Noah, and Noah's ancestor is Adam. Mine too. .. our battle is not against our brothers and sisters .. Let us (all Christians pray) for peace and forgiveness of our generation, that our God will come back for us, end sin, and take all of us home.
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Blessed are the gentle, for they shall inherit the earth. Holy Bible, Matthew 5:5